In Memory of Robert Malcolm Groves

This memorial website was created to celebrate the life and preserve our recollections of Robert Malcolm Groves. Please join us in keeping his memory alive by sharing your favorite stories, photos and memorable moments from his life.Your contribution will be a fitting tribute, as well as a gift to all who knew and loved him. Robert Malcolm Groves was born on May 1, 1947 and left us on August 23, 2013 at the age of 66. He was preceded in death by his parents, George and Emma (MacLeod) Groves. He leaves behind his loving wife, Kathleen, daughter and son-in-law Cara and Keith Wilbur, son Robert W.C. Groves, daughter Kathy DeMarco, son and daughter-in-law Spencer and Kristi Groves, sister Pamela Seasonwein and brother Kenneth Groves. Cherishing his memory are his ten grandchildren: Katelyn, Erica, Jamie and Lindsey Wilbur. Trey Groves and Jillian Johnson. Brianna, Niko, and Kristina DeMarco. Taylor Wilhoit. Bob will be greatly missed but always alive in our hearts. "Good Music, Good Times, Good Memories"


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